Safe Aludeck®

Safe Aludeck

Safe Aludeck
Safe Aludeck® is a special aluminum platform that incorporates a passive fire suppression system.
The surface of the platform is strategically perforated so that, in the event of a helicopter collision, the spilled fuel is immediately drained into the internal cavities, where it cannot burn due to lack of oxygen. The fuel is then evacuated towards the special perimeter gutter.
Safe Aludeck® provides optimal rescue conditions, enhancing passenger and crew safety. It is highly recommended for unattended installations, where the firefighting operations are limited.
According to CAP 437 and ICAO Annex 14, a Deck Integrated Firefighting System (DIFFS), in tandem with the Safe Aludeck®, only requires water to deal with any residual fire. This means a huge saving in AFFF foam and related equipment to protect the environment.